Commander's/President's Special Project
Established in 1925, the VFW National Home was created as a home for widows and orphans of deceased veterans. The idea to build such a home came from the Military Order of the Cootie. However, it was through the efforts of a 23-year-old girl from Detroit named Amy Ross that the idea became a reality.
Supreme Seam Squirrel Robbie Normand’s and Supreme President Patches Presfield’s SPECIAL PROJECT is to replace several windows in the Early Education Center.
OBJECT: Financing of a specific project for the VFW National Home is the objective of this program. We do not replace any other monies that might be used with your donations under this project. Your donations are merely a supplement to the other individual donations to the VFW National Home. Pup Tents, Grands, Cooties and Auxiliary members at all levels are encouraged to donate to this worthy cause. Selected projects are presented and must be approved by a majority vote at an annual Supreme Scratch. In addition, supporting our VFW National Home is one of our stated objectives.
GOAL:The established goal for this program is an annual one-dollar donation per Cootie.
PROCEDURES: Forward monies collected at the Pup Tent to your Grand Quartermaster who will forward them to Supreme Headquarters. All donations must be received through the Grand Quartermaster or Black Division Pup Tent CCDB. Anyone may contribute to the fund. Earmark all checks as to what they are for. By encouraging MOC Auxiliary Members to contribute gives both their Pup Tent and Grand credit for the donations. A report on a financial status of the fund is required at the Supreme Scratch and Council of Administration meeting IAW Section 512C & E, By-
Laws of the Supreme Pup Tents.
AWARDS:Pup Tents and Grands reaching 100% will receive a citation from the Special Projects Chairman. See All*Star programs for more details.
Mitch Fuller II
VFW National Home Chairman
145 Danablu Dr, Hutto, TX 78634
100th Anniversary Birthdate
January 7, 2025
June 28, 2025
To donate to the Supreme Commander's/ Supreme President's Special Project", please go to and search for "Special Project".
To donate to the Cootie House, please go to and search for "Cootie House".
Click HERE to view the Cootie House donation report.
Click HERE to view the Special Project donation report.
NOTE: To attain All-Star Grand or Pup Tent, donations must exceed 100% and be reported NLT 31 MAY 2025. Please report any errors or omissions with supporting transmittals ASAP as we approach the end of the Cootie Year.